Four PRODUCTIVE Notion Templates For Students by Alicia
Alicia is a Youtuber with 12M+ views who gives tips on revision methods, studying techniques, and creating beautiful notes. Regardless, I’ve loved her Notion Templates so I decided to compile all of them in one place. Enjoy !
1. The Ultimate University Workspace
Here you can organize your university or school work by subject.
This will help you to stay on top of your revision schedule and ensure all your work is in one space.
Feel free to personalize this template for your own studies, fill in the blanks and even add your own cover at the top!
2. Semester Planner
Here you can plan out the tasks you have to complete in each week of the academic semester.
This will help you to stay on top of your revision schedule and ensure all your work is in one space. Feel free to personalize this template for your own studies, fill in the blanks and even add your own cover at the top!
3. The Ultimate University/School Course Planner
Here you can organise your university or school work by subject.
This will help you to stay on top of your revision schedule and ensure all your work is in one space. Feel free to personalize this template for your own studies, fill in the blanks and even add your own cover at the top!
4. The All-In-One Dashboard
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